Welcome to Coffee Capsules 2 U

Welcome to Coffee Capsules 2 U

May 31, 2016

We’re here to supply coffee capsule loving kiwis with a better pod option!

Coffee Capsules 2U is originally an Australian brand (argh, shock horror…but wait! Their concept - it works).

We’ve made the most of their award-winning roastery, efficiency and capsule technology; then we overlaid a uniquely kiwi approach.

The New Zealand version of Coffee Capsules 2U is run by us. We’re two kiwis, living in semi-rural Warkworth (near Auckland) and we’re passionate about keeping NZ clean and green. We’re equally dedicated to ensuring kiwis have easy access to good coffee, at a fair price.

We’re not here to convince you of the complexity and aromatic quality of our pods; because we know they’re good. You’re unlikely to hear us espousing the virtues of our robust flavours, simple characteristics or perfect crema. Those things should be a given when buying a capsule.

We may celebrate how good it feels to drink our coffee though, because let’s face it, like you, we’re coffee drinkers too, and mornings wouldn’t be mornings without a decent coffee kick-start.

With us, you’ll get a good, honest approach.

If we say our coffee is good, we mean it. We only offer strong, mid and mild flavours, rather than a plethora of choices, because at the end of the day, it’s coffee. And coffee should satisfying not confusing. We sell good coffee.

If we say our capsules are recyclable and that we’re creating easy, cost effective processes to help you (and us) reduce the landfill impact of coffee capsules around NZ, that’s because we are. Our pods and packaging fit with NZ’s standard recycling policies and our solutions make it easier for you to recycle through us. We sell good packs.

With Coffee Capsules 2U, you’ll get good grind in a good pack, for you to enjoy today and for the betterment of tomorrow.

Over the next few weeks we’ll continue to introduce our initiatives from how we’re helping to encourage recycling to our community involvement.

Until then follow us on Facebook or Instagram, buy our coffee, be part of the #coffeecapsulesrevolution.

We are here to make a racket and you certainly don’t want to miss this party.

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