Hello Courier & Compost

Hello Courier & Compost

November 01, 2019

Our new compostable capsules will be here on 1st October. You’ll have the choice of our regular plastic capsules or the new compostable pods. That means there’ll be a few changes to what your can do with your used capsules. Here’s what you need to know.

Goodbye To Return & Recycle

Very soon we’ll say thanks and goodbye to the Return & Recycle option for our plastic capsules. You’ll be able to buy recycle tickets for the regular plastic capsules right up to 1st October.

You’ll be able to send your used pods back right up to the end of the year. We’ll be happy to credit any outstanding courier tickets that you do not use before Return & Recycle ends.

If you have any questions during the change over period please drop us a line. Get in touch and you’ll have no worries. We’ll be able to help you straight away.

*** Decaf, Hot Chocolate and Caramel will not be available in the first release of compostable capsules. You will also no longer be able to recycle them. Please Contact Us and we’ll advise you what to do.

Options For Compostable Capsules

With compostable capsules you have a few options.

If you live in the Auckland area, then we recommend getting a Kitchen Caddy from We Compost. Take a big step in the right direction and divert your compostable household waste, like food scraps and coffee pods, away from landfill and into making something good for New Zealand.

If you live in a part of New Zealand that has industrial composting collection facilities, then you can drop your used pods into that system.

If you don’t, then Courier & Compost is the way to go.

Hello Courier & Compost

Courier & Compost will work the same way as Return & Recycle. Simply buy a return courier ticket when you purchase your compostable pods, enjoy your coffee and send your pods back. Too easy!

The new system is a step ahead and very easy.

  • We’ll send your coffee in a cardboard box with a compostable bag inside.
  • Simply take your coffee packs out and line the box with your bag.
  • drop your empty pods in the box as you go.
  • When all done tie the bag up, lock the carton back up and attach the courier ticket to the box.
  • Courier Post will collect the box from your door shortly after you let them know it is ready.

Here’s a really important point. We Compost accept our capsules because they are fully certified as compostable (you can see our certification here). We can’t be sure that other brands are certified so returns that have any mix of plastic, aluminium or other brand compostable pods will not be processed and will be sent to landfill. Sorry but them’s the rules in the composting game!

Courier & Compost tickets will cost the same as the current recycle tickets. It’s all based on where you live in New Zealand.

What Happens To Your Returned Pods

We collect them all up and send them to We Compost – Auckland’s leading compostable waste management company. They arrange for the pods to be correctly composted using industrial composting processes. The compost is then used in the forestry and agricultural sectors.

Read our blog Introducing We Compost for more details.


When you choose the new compostable capsules, you can enjoy your really good espresso coffee at home without any environmental concerns. It’s the next step forward towards the future goal of sustainable food packaging. The future is in our hands.

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