The Secret To Good Coffee

  • Your Coffee Capsules Hold The Secret To Good Coffee
  • Your Perfect Espresso In Every Coffee Pod
  • Nespresso Capsules That Deliver The Best Tasting Espresso


Here's the first of our five part Secret To Good Coffee series.

Your perfect espresso coffee is locked inside every capsule. It’s all about finding the key to get it out.

The secret is to experiment with the amount of water you pour through your machine. You can control the amount of flavour extracted by altering the ratio of water to coffee.

Once you’ve discovered the ideal balance of flavours that exactly suit your taste, then you can set your machine to create it every time.

Watch coffee master blaster Andre Adams in action

Andre was ridiculously good at cricket. He also makes a mighty good coffee. His pro tips are worth watching. Watch out! They may surprise you!

You can adjust the pour settings on your machine. With most machines, simply hold your finger on the pour button until you get your ideal cup and then take it off (see your user manual for details). Your machine will remember for next time!

Lock in the secret to good coffee. Set one of the buttons for you and the other for your partner (or perhaps a different blend).


Read more in The Secret To Good Coffee series