Lots To Look Forward To in 2019

Lots To Look Forward To in 2019

January 11, 2019 6 Comments

Happy New Year! Wherever you are in New Zealand – we hope that you had a good break. We’ve had some ripper weather eh!

In 2018 you helped us become a big serious player in the coffee capsule paddling pool. That means we can do some cool new things in 2019.

Something New For You To Try

We’ll keep banging out our main blends. Heaps of Kiwis love to start their day with good coffee. That isn’t changing!

We are helping design a range of Specialty Blends. Short run, exclusive offer stuff. New blends, new flavours, new ideas. We’ll take you on your own personal tiki tour of the coffee growing regions of the world. 

Same Good Prices

We'll continue to offer New Zealand's best value coffee pods in 2019. That means you’ll always have change left over to spend on an ice cream. Dipped!

Keep an eye on the Specials and Offers page on the website. That’ll keep you up to date with the latest offers.

Even More Super Epic Customer Service

What struck us in 2018 was how much you loved being able to shop with real people. Common courtesies like personally packing your coffee and handwritten notes were as much fun to deliver as they must have been to receive.

Louise will be spending even more time dishing out your happiness pills in 2019. We’ll be New Zealand’s number one dynamic duo of coffee capsules. And yes, we’ll introduce ourselves like that at barbies!

Compostable Pods?

Compostable pods are a bit like getting stuck in a queue at the pub. You know that good things are going to happen - it's just a case of when.

Put the “Coming Soon” sign up on a great new capsule design that is certified as industrially compostable. They'll be chocka full of exciting new blends including fair trade & organic plus the old favourites. Choice!

Happy New Year!

The outlook for 2019 paints a great picture. Why drive across town to support a foreign team when the winner is right here at home? Every time you pop a capsule in your machine you know that Patrick and Louise are making sure it’s the best little pearler in your town.

Patrick & Louise

6 Responses

Kevan Cotton
Kevan Cotton

April 27, 2019

Great Coffee and can’t say enough about delivery. Patrick always great to catch up on the phone with you.
Service 100per cent

Shirley Nevin
Shirley Nevin

January 14, 2019

Love your coffee. Great news about compostable pods. Tried some, pods great, coffee no. So looking forward your great coffee in compostable pods.


January 14, 2019

You guys provide amazing prompt service and the personal note is always appreciated. You are the best. Even the postie comes in calling out ‘your coffee is here’.


January 13, 2019

Love your coffee & the personal service. Look forward to the compostable pods & new flavours too.


January 13, 2019

Love when the post delivers your pods. Best coffee capsules I’ve had.

Ross Dearnley
Ross Dearnley

January 13, 2019

You guys do a fantastic job.
Lots of good stuff to look forward to

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